Sunday, October 05, 2008

child dedication

we managed to find matching dresses for the girls. audrey's is a 6 month/16lbs/24 inches so it was a little big, but worked quite well.

we had a child dedication ceremony with all three kids on sunday, september 5th, 2008.

we stood up front as a family, with derek's parents there to support us publicly. the purpose is to declare our intentions to raise our children in the church and teach Christian/Biblical values to our children. as well as asking for the support from family and friends in doing that. it is not a child baptism or christening, it does not make them Christians, it is just about us being held responsible and asking for support/help.

papa salmon prays for us and our kids. it was very touching and encouraging.

family photo op

salmons :D

more pics from the child dedication

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