Tuesday, June 26, 2007

family dinner out

my family's cuteness is overwhelming.

we had to get ezekiel's panda in the picture too.

my sweet daughter and wonderful husband!

we had a great evening out. the lady sitting nearest us stopped by and said "i just want you to know that you have really good kids. really well behaved. good kids. great job!" thumbs up.

here we are back at home. everyday ezekiel seems to be able to reach higher and farther.

and finally, derek has tried to figure out ways to get Ezekiel laugh more consistently, this night, he found a very successful way:

Monday, June 25, 2007

ezekiel is 7 months old

here he is in his almost crawling pose (you can see his little foot stuck under his body, that usually keeps him from actually crawling so he rocks back onto his bum to sit up again).

the kids. wow, he almost looks bigger than diedre!

grabby brother

first tooth is breaking through

diedre figured out how to ride her bike today! "peddle peddle peddle" she was saying.

it seems like i just wrote ezekiels 6 month update the other day! i'm sad that his gummy smile is soon to be filled with teeth, although i'm sure that will be just as endearing soon enough.

he has been making lots of kissing sounds. his crawling manoevers are getting so close, i think he will get it figured out very soon. diedre was 7 months and 12 days when she started crawling.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

bbq fun

my friend karley hosted a family bbq on saturday

playing on the porch

these kids are having FUN!

the bubble blowers and the bubble catcher waiting

"i catch you!"

i wanted to take a picture of diedre to show her how dirty her face was. she looks like a little clown, thanks to an M&M cookie.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

chillin' with the family

diedre running on the lawn outside Wal-Mart after our trip to Bellingham. I finally got a sit n' stand stroller! yay! now i need to unload the 30lb double stroller i've been using for the last six months...

Grandma, Diedre, Ezekiel

Daddy with our neice Poppy

snack time. diedre looks very tired.

ezekiel trying out the Sassy Teething helper thingy. he likes it and so do i. facilitates a quick fruit snack for him to chew on.

father's day weekend was good. we spent the whole time together and headed to my parents for brunch on saturday and then we both were on the worship team on sunday and went out for dinner sunday night. we are so blessed to have a derek as the dad in our household. he brings so much joy and fun and love into this house. its awesome. you're the best honey!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

several very cute pictures...

yes! her hair is in pigtails and i got a picture of it!

sweet smile

ezekiel can reach into grab his own age appropriate toys now :)

he may be small, but he's still the man
he can sit up totally by himself now
he can scoot a little, but mostly does full circles while laying on his stomach to reach things
he can stand with help against an activity table to play
he loves to eat. i usually give him cereal for breakfast, then a little for dinner with some of whatever we are eating.
he laughed once for derek
he gives kisses (lip smacks)
he loves hair, even to play with his own
he is super friendly and smiles at most people
he absolutely adores diedre!

diedre is doing great too! she had a few days off of potty training (her choice, not mine) but is back at it--yay!
she can talk up a storm now:
"walk a park?" (walk to the park?)
"i want a paco please" (i want a popsicle please.--derek and i joke and say, "oh, a paco? i guess we'll have to go to mexico for that!"
"zeke's awake! zeke's awake! hi zeke!" (when ezekiel wakes up from a nap, with a big hug)
"this is mine?" (when asking me about a toy that is hers, when i'm trying to encourage her to share with her brother)
"mommy, i'm proud of you" (after she has used the potty, she walks over to me with arms wide for a hug)
and, she wont let us leave without a hug or kiss (a "tiss"), so sweet.
she is still working on her colours, but my mom said she counted all the way to 18 at zellers (all the rows of babies).
she is also great at multi-tasking and can care for 5 or 6 babies all at once! so impressive :D
she is very good also at recounting stories. i will read it once, then she will read it to herself, or zeke, or one of the babies.
she is also very good at puzzles.


Friday, June 08, 2007

lots of babies...and the circus

diedre arranged her babies in a row

oh, one more baby

another baby who loves hair!

diedre clapping at the circus. she seemed to really enjoy parts of it, especially the three motorbikes in a giant metal ball.

ezekiel felt otherwise...

Thursday, June 07, 2007

CAUTION: if you dont know what an exersaucer is this post is not for you...

Word to the wise: don't put ezekiel in the exersaucer before his morning poop.

today, i was preparing breakfast while ezekiel was playing in the exersaucer. he usually has a morning poop after being awake for an hour or so. so the plan was, to change him before sitting him in the highchair for breaky.

i had put him into the saucer wearing a diaper, an onesie (not buttoned up), a pair of socks and no pants.

when i went to get him for his change, i saw that he was standing in poop. how did this happen?! i guess the poop went down his leg and all over the inside bottom of the exersaucer...all over! yucky!

after cleaning him up, i decided to tackle the exersaucer before feeding him breakfast (as he was still happy). amazingly the only poop on the cloth seat was on the tag--and for that , i am thankful as it is a tremendous hassle to remove it.

that was probably my most interesting pooincident ever! what a way to start my day :D

Saturday, June 02, 2007

it was such a good day...

first we began inside, ezekiel sporting this fancy outfit, lent by Karley.

diedre struts her stuff

a little sit time with ezekiel and grandpa

zeke after his nap

grandpa gets in on the sprinkler action

i try to get ezekiel and diedre to run through the sprinkler (fyi: thats his arm, not cleavage)

miles goes double-barrell with the sprinkler

ezekiel and some homestyle toys

family picnic under the grape arbor

his first arrowroot cookie

uncle andrew


I get to hold my darling neice for the first time


ezekiel really wanted to say hi to poppy

cousins running

these two are three months apart from birth, but poppy was nearly 2 months premature. she's a nice size now!