Sunday, April 03, 2005

westcoast family shower

heather and my mom put together a great family shower for us. diedre had a rough start (it was her fussy time of night) so it took many experienced moms, some more milk, and lots of cuddling to calm her. poor kid!

heather was the one to finally calm diedre. here is the victory photo. after that, she was passed around to the others for cuddles.

diedre received a beautiful b&w photo album (with pictures taken by heather), some very cool outfits, lots of toys, a playmat (from grammy & grandpa salmon that i've had sitting in the back room waiting for this party to give to diedre), a portable swing, some books and some baby necessities...oh ya, and a photo printer!!! so now we can do some fun photo projects at home.

this is diedre's and my final baby shower. since it is customary to give showers for first baby's only. it has been a wonderful time having these showers and feeling the love and support of friends and families in a tangible way, to get our new family off to a good start :) many thanks to all!

love, the salmons

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