Monday, April 28, 2008

baby 3 ultrasound pics!

not sure what this one is...maybe face?

both arms and hands

profile: looks like its sucking its thumb

better profile pic (keep in mind that we asked to NOT know the sex of the baby, so what you might think you see, is probably just umbilical cord...unless the tech secretly tried to give it away...)

so i'm 19 weeks 2 days pregnant. the baby weighs about 8 1/2 ounces, and measures 6 inches, head to bottom, approximately the size of an heirloom tomato . i, on the other hand, am weighing in at about 162 lbs (7lbs gain so far). i would classify this pregnancy as being "hard" at this point so i was very happy to see the baby today. it just helps to remind me of the joy thats coming...and the labour too...which in some weird way is also something to look forward to, to hope that i can "do" better this time.