Saturday, June 21, 2008

going to the zoo

there were many baby animals at the zoo

baby giraffe

the kids were so cute, holding hands and running around. i could not believe how much running ezekiel did. he was very active and energetic.

ezekiel wants to try everything now, even pushing the stroller. he did it with both hands at times.

ezekiel and diedre play in the forest path, throwing pebbles into the bush.

my mom taught ezekiel how to climb up the fence. here he is admiring the baby bison.

there's a great playground there too, we spent a good hour there at the end of the day.

diedre getting frustrating with the rockclimbing. she could do it better on the other side.

there was a boy that threw pebbles at diedre's belly before climbing up this huge tower to a snake slide. diedre came back out, upset for having had rocks thrown at her, but i told her to be tough and just keep going. she climbs up and i hear her say "weeeeee" all the way down the big snake (its a long tunnel slide and you come out the mouth of the snake). i was very proud that she could shake off someone being mean to her and still have that purity to enjoy the ride. i need to be more like that! ha ha

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