my job is soon to end. its been a really great 2.5 years. i am really excited to move on to this new experience of parenting and i am curious to see how much i will miss working in the office.
its been such an interesting journey for me going through 3 main office jobs in the past 4.5 years. my first admin job was at Whistler Blackcomb. i had such a great experience. that boss was my best boss ever up to that point. he was very willing to recognize when i would excel in the job and he would offer me opportunities to do things outside the scope of my position like doing corporate training for our staff (like the orientation course all staff would attend). that job lasted for 1 year 4 months. it got to the point where he did not see me going beyond that position (there weren't any promotions to go to, and at that point, i wanted to get out of admin any way possible). at the same time that derek decided he was ready for a big change.
moving to the lower mainland, i was cocky and confident that i could get a job where i would be something other than admin. it was pretty immature and pretty unfounded, so i eventually had to look for an admin job, which i figured would be no problem, and that i deserved at least $30000. at that point, my mindset was that admin work was too easy for me but was a skill i had and could make a living at. i did get a $30000 job, but after several months, the stress of it made me decide that i would rather make much less and have much less stress. i do not like stress at work. i cried alot during the 7 months that i worked for that wage. it was a huge learning experience for me.
anyway, broken and battered, thats how i came to my current job. i was timid as a mouse. i had a horrible interview. i was scared of getting fired for the first three months. when i got the job i decided that i would try a new angle with my attitude towards admin work. i would be satisfied with whatever i did. i would not be striving to be more than an admin assistant. i would strive to be the best at that job and just do it. it worked really well. as it turned out, i was given other opportunities and challenges that were not strictly admin, but not because i was lobbying for them. it was such a blessing. this has truly been the best job and i had the privilege of working for 2 years for the best boss i have ever worked for. it has been truly excellent. and an added blessing has been working in a non-administrative position (part time) since september. although it is really hard to let go of the admin side of me. its been pretty ingrained in my 4.5 years in those types of roles.
Amanda, you will be missed in the office. You are a true team player and you have a lot of fantastic ideas. You grasp things very quickly and are able to take ideas and thoughts and run with them. You have good ideas. God is moving you into a new role. It's a good that is tough for anyone to do. In fact, NO ONE can take on the role you're about to take. Only you...and you're perfect for the job. I can't wait to hear more about your new adventures...and your new successes!
thank you rob! i really appreciated the time i worked with you and your influence to always be thinking of a new idea. thanks blogfather :)
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