Thursday, January 06, 2005

7 Weeks to Go!

The countdown continues. i'm 33 weeks today. i had an ultrasound 2 days ago and the technician estimated that the baby is 5.5 lbs and that i'm actually 35 weeks! my doctor does not agree though which is fine. my fundal measurement is 33 cm and i'm 33 weeks so i'm on track for February 24 at this point. its sort of exciting to think of it happening in 5 weeks though, since i'd still be working ;)

at this point, i'm getting pretty sore. the doctor said that the baby's head is pretty far down so that could be contributing to my discomfort. basically it hurts to walk and to get dressed but i can do my prenatal aerobics video and it doesn't hurt...kind of strange.

so the baby is head down and should stay that way until birth. its cool now because i can definitely feel a little bum usually on the right side of my belly and now i know that the sharp little movements to the left are knees, toes or heels.

i'm suppressing my nesting urges so i don't hound poor derek, but i'm definitely noticing things that HAVE to be done before too long ;P like finishing up moving Mark's stuff, cleaning the fridge (i think i'll do that saturday), fixing my bedroom closet, moving some furniture out of our room to make room for the bassinet, unpacking, moving shelves from the old storage room to the new one, putting up a door between the baby room and storage room, finishing the flooring and trim, painting baby room, fixing and painting the change table.

looking at that list is a bit stressful, since derek has to do most of the items and i don't want to bug him. he is working saturday and sunday this week so it won't get done for awhile. i can handle the unpacking, cleaning the fridge and painting i guess...i'm not totally sold on the "need" to paint, but derek wants to. i only agreed because there is paint in the garage we can use. i guess i'll also need to figure out a good solution for all the stuffed animals we have too so that the bassinet will be ready for use (they're all stuffed into the bassinet right now, no room for baby in there!).

it will be fun to get some of those things done in preparation for baby's arrival. i'm enjoying the frequent movement which should be slowing down soon as baby gets bigger and has less room to move around. i better enjoy it while it lasts, the moving has been such a fun bonding experience for me and derek. but i guess the short reprieve of movement will get us excited to hold the baby :)

it snowed today, maybe 5 cm. it is supposed to snow 5 or 6 inches tomorrow so i don't know if that will mean derek will stay home from work. its been pretty cold here since we got back, -5 most days, a bit warmer today to get the snow.

Happy New Year


kelly ens said...

i'm all for the nesting mode, but i must say...i don't agree with you painting! i think derek should be doing all lifting, moving and painting. you are going to have a baby, for goodness sakes! those paint fumes are dangerous. sorry derek, but that's just the way it is! :)
go forth in nesting mode! :)

derek salmon said...

man! now thats another thing i can't do! goodness, the list is so long, and i'm a doer, now i have to be a do-watcher...

patricia, i am a little jealous of you, although heat and pregnancy are a bad mix.