Here I am with my week 30 belly. I can hardly believe its been 30 weeks already, this has gone by so fast. i read this morning that the baby is as high up as it will get at 30 weeks, and now it will just grow out and down really. so i'm hoping that means i might not get kicked in the ribs (since its several inches away right now). we'll just have to wait and see/feel.
the baby has been so active lately. my stomach will feel totally hard, yet these pointy little hands or feet or elbows or whatever will stick out. the movements are pretty strong and seem to never stop. its great fun. i'm really enjoying it. i can rub my belly and find the baby easily now. theres usually a point of easy contact, a hard area that if i push, gets the baby moving. according to my pregnancy newsletter the baby is about 3lbs and 14.5 inches long. wow. thats getting big!
Derek and I just returned from my staff party. The food was really good and I didn't get any heartburn, but I was getting really uncomfortable sitting for so long. Derek was chosen out of the audience to be part of a silly dramatization of Cinderella...he was chosen to be Prince Charming, I thought "what a perfect choice." He did really well, got right into his role. He even had to dance with this little lady as part of the play (it was improv) and lots of people made comments on our way out about how great a dancer he was. it was cute.
I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and got the results back from the gestational diabetes test. I do not have gestational diabetes, I had a very low score and the doctor said that I was no where near a risk of having it. I also found out that I am safe to fly next week, no problems, I am low risk :)
At the last two appointments my belly has measured slightly bigger than normal (usually I would be the same # of cm as weeks gestation). This week, it all met up and the measurement was the same which the doctor said is probably because the baby has dropped a bit. so at 30 weeks, i'm 30 cm (or the womb is, i guess). anyway, good news as far as i'm concerned. so i can be justified if someone says i'm huge "my measurements are right on track." (honestly, is about 50/50 with people saying very nice encouraging things and people saying "you're huge" or "you seem to be much more pregnant than 7 months." i mostly just listen to the nice things ;)
a new thing this week was heartburn with acid reflux. I had it pretty bad for about 3 days then the last two days it hasn't really occured at all, which is great. i know that i just need to drink lots of water, sit tall, eat slow, and dont eat too much at once. i enjoyed a hearty dinner tonight, and no heartburn, so that is great.
only 3 work days until vacation :) we have a few more parties to go to before we leave and we have to fit packing in there somewhere, should be interesting.
in our corporate prayer time today there was a good talk about Christmas, how the message is three fold of God being with us, God being for us, and God wanting to be within us. i found it inspiring as I don't want to get caught up in the fun stuff about Christmas without understanding and remembering why. i found the way it was explained really helpful for me. its really amazing, that God would want to come and be with us, to do so much for us, and then to offer to make so many changes within us, giving us a new way to live. i am thankful