i can barely believe we've had the blessing of our little Diedre in our arms and presence for nearly TWO years! my how she has grown and just this week, she has learned more words and counting (mostly as a result of having the flu and watching more TV than usual...see, its not all bad ;)
VIDEO: Diedre Counting
(i love how "five" sounds a little bit like "fries" she sure love fries).
diedre had the flu monday/tuesday, then ezekiel and i got it on tuesday. i was super weak and felt sick until i "got sick" then i felt much better. thankfully derek was near enough that i could call him home if it got too bad. ezekiel only threw up once so that was good for him.
i also found that i am "ok" to call him "zeke" now (sometimes, like when introducing him to kids that give a crazy "what?!" expression when i say "ezekiel") so thats new for me.
i completed my first week back on the weight watchers program and was happy to find i'd lost 3.2 lbs. i will most likely only stay on the program while it is free (i'm not sure if its three months from ezekiel's birth or three months from when i rejoin after having a baby) mostly because i'm too cheap right now and i will have at least 5 weeks to give it a good go. its free because i am a lifetime member who successfully completed the program by maintaining my goal weight before (and a few months during pregnancy) having diedre.
i am really wanting to get back to my pre-pre-pregnancy wardrobe since i have three wardrobes right now...i feel like i'm still wearing other people's clothes (because i am, 50 per cent of the time).
i'm feeling Grammy Salmon's pain these days. diedre's hair is getting long and when its messy, its MESSY so i really want to put it up in piggy tails or something but she always pulls it out. when Grammy Salmon was visiting she kept trying to do her hair but since i rarely do it (probably once a month), she would just pull it out. now i'm wishing i had gotten her used to it, so i could do it now. i will just keep trying i guess.
Very cute pics of the babes below. My friend uses little rubber bands from her orthodontist to put in her 14 month olds hair (The little bands that they put on your braces). She puts them in the hair first and then uses something a little prettier over top! Do you have any friends in the dental business? =)
I'm sure you've heard our big news by now. Crazy eh! =) miss you guys and are glad to see that you're doing good. BYe for now.
I hate being sick and when you have kids it takes on a whole new meaning! Hope you're all feeling better these days!
As for the wardrobe - my husband gets on my case for how many clothes I own. But if you think about pre-pregnancy, pregnancy and post-pregnancy sizes, it totally makes sense. I've got a whole drawer of jeans that I've been longing to wear again but it's just not happening yet...
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