Sunday, April 23, 2006

fine print

i made up this shirt for derek's 30th birthday party back on march 11, 2006. it took our friends a second to see the fine print. i actually made the iron-on transfer backwards, so i decided to try again on the back of the shirt. so the front of the shirt had the information written backwards, and the back of the shirt had the information written i did a little crafting and cut off the collar, put on a ribbon belt and wore the shirt with the proper writing on the front, over my belly. anyway, this is a pretty silly picture with my super big over-smile, but i will share it anyway.

so, people are starting to notice (thats what happens with second pregnancies i guess!) so i figure i'd let it out on the blog now.

salmon baby
nov 15 2006

i have had much more all-day sickness with this one than with diedre. probably because when i worked at the office, i would have a more scheduled day and scheduled eating, now things are so flexible and sometimes i wait too long to eat which will bring on the nausea.

derek and i are very excited and are slowly trying to adjust to how tired i am these days...and i expect i will be getting more energetic soon as i enter the second trimester. diedre will be 21 months when the baby comes. i am very excited to see her transition to becoming a big sister.


Anonymous said...

awesome! congrats...again!

S. said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! How great is that?!! :) Very cool. God bless, Stef.

derek salmon said...

thanks rob & stef! it is very great :) although still a little barfy hee hee

The Weckstroms said...

CONGRATULATIONS! Very exciting :) Hope you start feeling better soon.

Jessi said...

WOW!! Congrats guys....thats such a cute idea with the t-shirt :)

ramblin'andie said...

HAH! Me and my sister have been debating about whether or not you're pregnant! CONGRATULATIONS!

And good job on the spacing ;)

Alvin & Denise Engler said...

this is so exciting! we are so happy for you. hopefully the barfiness leaves you soon so you can enjoy the pregnancy. good job! -de

Unknown said...

so excited to meet my new cousin!

K & G said...

Congrats Amanda! You must be very excited... hope the morning sickness goes away soon! Enjoy your 2nd pregnancy :) Can't wait to see some pics of the "belly" grow hehe

kelly ens said...

yeah! that's awesome! Congratulations!!! i was hoping this announcement would come soon :)

Leah said...

Yeah Salmon family!!! Congratulations I had a feeling that you were pregnated again. That is so exciting :-)

derek salmon said...

thanks everyone. we are very excited and are glad you all are too :)

andie, how far apart will your little ones be? thought i looked pregnant?!? ha ha, just kidding, i've had some people ask, so i guess the belly is out!

leah, "pregnated" sounds so dirty...but i'm sure you didnt mean it like that! :) well last time we talked you asked me but i wasnt yet, and i was feeling a little down about that. so we were hoping it would happen soon :)

k & g, ya, there will be belly shots, probably starting next week since i am already showing a bit. bring on the maternity pants and elastic waistbands! hee hee

i am feeling pretty good most days, i just have to remember to eat first thing in the a.m. or else! and diedre's awesome and sleeping well now that she's been medicated for her ear infection :( so that helps alot!

thanks again everyone

kelly ens said...

I hope my comment didn't sound like i thought you look pregnant again, because i don't think you do! i just thought of it the other day when I was reading about the carabin's birth announcement, I wondered when you two would have your second ;) so, if mine sounded like you look pregnant, NOT SO!!!! :) but i do look forward to seeing your belly grow again! :) you looked great all through your pregnancy with diedre, so i'm sure you'll look fabulous again!

Katherine said...

Congrats! hope you start to feel better soon. Can't wait to see belly/baby pics

derek salmon said...

kelly, no i didnt think you meant that, just that you were excited for us to have another.

well, i hope i'll look as good this time...but i'm already starting out 20lbs heavier than i was with diedre. but first trimester is nearly over (next wed) and i havent gained any weight yet.

i really do not want to be obsessing about gaining, right now, i'm still trying to make friends with most foods!

ramblin'andie said...

You look fabulous. I'm so jealous of you moms who get to be cute pregnant people. Nobody notices I'm pregnant till I hit about 7 or 8 months. Blech.

Davey and Tink will be 22 months apart, very similar to your two. I'm looking forward to having them grow up so close/sharing a room...all the fun. Me and my bro were 17 months apart and it was great!!