Friday, August 26, 2005

Happy Half Birthday Diedre!

my baby is 6 months old today!

here are some milestones she has reached:
-can sit up assisted
-loves to eat rice cereal; has also eaten peas and squash
-can drink from a cup (assisted) and a sippy cup
-is very chatty (says: mum mum and da da da and baa--and will sometimes repeat it back to us if we try to get her to say it)
-responds to her name
-gives us lots of smiles
-can roll both ways
-creeps along the floor to get places
-can push buttons or flick switches to turn music on (on her toy or play mat)
-loves feeling different textures (animal fur, hair, carpet, laminate flooring)
-loves animals (squeals with delight whenever she sees any)
-loves other kids and pretty much anyone who will give her a big smile
-loves baths...or the toys therein
-loves having her teeth brushed (well, really its her gums because although she is teething, she doesnt have any teeth that appear close to the surface at this point)
-loves the jolly jumper & likes the exersaucer & swinging (especially when we say "WeEe")
-loves it when we clap for her
-loves being outdoors, loves the wind in her hair/face and swimming
-does not like falling asleep (especially lately...we've been putting in alot of time and energy trying to get her to sleep...she looks tired, acts tired, but fights sleeping like crazy)

anyway, thats alot of info, but i figure someone out there might care...especially the grandparents


Michelle said...

we care :) happy half bday, diedre :) i suppose you can share the special day with me and kurt's 5th anniversary ;P

kelly ens said...

it's cool to see such major accomplishments in her young life already! happy halfers, diedre!

derek salmon said...

thanks girls!

happy 5th anniversary michelle & kurt!

Jessi said...

Happy 6 months Diedre!! What a smart little 6 month old you are! You can share the day with Michelle and Kurt - and Garnet and I too :)

derek salmon said...

oh ya! happy anniversary to you too jess & garnet

Michelle said...

happy 5th to jessi and garnet too! i still think it's so cool to have the exact same wedding day...